Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Drunk on Tea

According to Chris Littleton, 31, helped found the Cincinnati Tea Party, ""We have three core values that really, I guess, span everything we do. ... One, a fundamental limitation of government. The limited government is key. We believe that the more control and influence the size of government, the more it grows, the less important the individual is. ... "And then the next would be fiscal responsibility. There is no excuse in the world why our government can’t be fiscally responsible. ... "And the last one is free markets or you could call it free enterprise. The ability to earn your own way, to generate your own wealth, to create your own American dream should be relatively free from all of the inhibitions of the government."

Melanie Morgan, 53, of San Francisco, is a former radio talk show host who has been working with the Tea Party Express, a California-based group. She states, '"I would define the Tea Party movement as a fiscal movement. This is not a movement based on social issues. Many conservatives are involved only because of the fiscal aspect of smaller government, of lower taxation, of an accountability as far as the debt is concerned, the runaway spending by the liberal Congress. These are the issues that motivate us, that animate us. We’re not talking abortion and we are not discussing gay marriage or anything that even comes close to approximating those issues... "

"The normal thing that people are looking for is some sort of organized structure, driven from the top down," says Mark Lloyd, chairman of the Lynchburg Tea Party in Virginia. "But ... it’s more of an attitude, and the attitude is of course just visceral patriotism, and a focus on limited government, fiscal responsibility, constitutional government or governance and personal liberties." (emphasis added)  "We don’t get involved in the abortion issue, the gay marriage issue, because we feel like that’s when it starts dividing people," says Nita Thomas, leader of a group in Cincinnati. 

Finally, Mark Meckler, a California lawyer and national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots, says his group and others have denounced those who have made racially inflammatory remarks. "It’s demonstrated that the movement has matured," he says.

[The entire article here.]


Does this sound like they are focused on fiscal matters?  Does this sound like a rallying cry for lower taxes?  How about this (even though it was proven to be false?)

Oh, I know, it's that damned main stream media that's spreading lies and rumors.  Since Fox News seems to have higher viewership than anyone else on the block, wouldn't that make them the "main stream-iest" of the news outlets?  If you're used to your "fair and balanced" to be tilting to the right, perhaps those that are genuinely fair and balanced may appear off kilter to you.

Maybe you should change your beverage of choice and adjust your set....

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