Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Case Against Islam

I understand the argument that building the CULTURAL CENTER (which happens to include a mosque...as well as meeting space open to everyone and a memorial to those who died on 9/11) can be seen as insensitive, even though I strongly disagree with it. I disagree with it as I am able to make the distinction between Islam (like the two Islamic soldiers I went through Army Basic Training with, and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan- if you don't know who that is, image Google his name) and radical Islam, just as George W. Bush did in 2003, and Glenn Beck did in 2006. And just as I am able to distinguish between those who would use a radicalized Islam as a political tool and those who use it as a religion, I am able to make the distinction between moderate Christians, and the radical politicized Christianity of Pat Robertson and Westboro Baptist Church.

What I don't understand is the protests against the Islamic Centers in Murfreesboro, TN, Sheboygen, WI, and Temecula, CA. If the uproar over the Center in Manhattan is over its proximity to Groound Zero, what is the reason for the protests over the Temecula Center (which is approximately 3,000 miles from Ground Zero)? It begs the question; are we really at war with Islam? By doing so, we are putting our troops in heightened danger as more and more moderate muslims see us as against not only against their beliefs that they so highly regard, but the freedom we so highly regard.

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